Personal Insurance Advice
As You Move Through Life Enjoying Your Current Lifestyle And Aiming At Future Financial Targets, It Is Important To Consider The Risks And Plan For The Contingencies Which Could Arise Along The Way.
Here at Merlea Investments we provide professional advice for managing the risks and contingencies, helping you reach your future financial objectives.
We can help you develop contingency plans which may be reviewed annually through
- assessing your broad risks and contingencies
- offering a variety of covers that suits your needs
Assessment of broad risk and contingencies would require understanding of your:
- financial circumstances
- assets
- liabilities
- income(s)
- current lifestyle cost
After a risk assessment, you may then decide, to what extent, or if you wish to transfer the risks to an insurance company.
Merlea Investments looks at the suitability of Life Insurance, Total and Permanent Disablement cover, Trauma Insurance and Income Protection.