Wealth Creation
Wealth Creation is a process and not an event. This process involves increasing personal awareness and education on and about wealth/value creation; building a capacity and position for impact generation. There is no better place to start your process of wealth creation at where you are right now, getting ahead through biding your time and being patient with the process.
Goal Setting
Begin creating wealth by setting appropriate and specific goals. This makes the financial planning processes easier.
Start Saving Now
It is never too early to start saving. Wealth accumulates with time. Beginning to save is one of the first and most crucial steps in reaching your financial objectives.
Compounding Interest
Compound interest is a fundamental component of wealth creation and by understanding just this one principle, you can make a significant difference to your financial independence over the long term.
After 10 Years;

After 20 Years;

Understand and control investment risk
Striking an acceptable balance between the returns and the risks is at the core of all investment decisions. In general, seeking increased amount of return would have you consequently incur greater risk.
The most common investment strategy mistakes result from investors not understanding the risk involved and selecting strategies and investments that don’t match their risk profile. Merlea Investments Advisers will tailor a portfolio suitable to your risk analysis.
Diversifying your Investment
Diversification reduces risks and increases returns of your investment. Putting all your eggs in one basket – investing all or too much in one single asset or one asset class (e.g. Australian shares), creates huge risk to your overall financial portfolio if this one asset fails to perform. This is because assets generally move in different economic cycles, and what is best-performing this year may become the worst next year. Due to the difficulty in predicting which will the best performer, it is best to invest in a range of different asset classes, so that risks created by market fluctuations may be controlled.